Mobile barcode beaming technology developer Mobeam announced its Beep’n’Go Android app has surpassed the 10 million installation plateau.
The technology allows laser scanners to read 1D barcodes off mobile devices by sending either pulses of light or audio which mimics barcode sequences to scanners.
The company said in a release the app is pre-loaded on more than 300 million mobile devices. That enables retailers to increase revenue by offering targeted inducements.
Mobeam’s CEO said equally important is Mobeam’s ability to help retailers structure customer interactions through enhanced loyalty programs.
“Of equal impact, however, is the extent to which mobile beaming is transforming retailer loyalty programs, which consumers can now access at the checkout through their Android mobile devices,” George Garrick said.
“Mobeam literally provides “out of the box” integration with virtually all loyalty programs through the beaming of the loyalty card. No special contracts or technology integrations are required, we work with all existing POS systems.”
Mobeam technology is present on more than seven million loyalty cards at more than 400 retailers, the company said in a release. Participating companies include CVS, Walgreens, Kroger and Toys ‘R’ Us.
Mobeam enables mobile wallet and scanner interaction so payment apps can now include loyalty and gift cards along with coupons and other special offers. It also integrates with all existing mobile apps, the company said.
Add Mobeam to the list of companies which have made their technology available to encourage developers to create new uses. It recently made its SDK mobile beaming technology available with a free initial license.